
The very very cheapest was Half Life Ep 1 for $0.10 on Steam during it's 10 anniversary I think.

@Salen: They do have space though, maybe he's referring to his memory card as film?

I'd also like to know where you could have something like this done.

I like to give my pokemon the names of other pokemon. For instance, naming a Pikachu "ONIX".

Resounding meh from me. I like the games on the Wii and all, but except for very rare cases I hate hate hate motion controls.

Come on Spielberg, this can be good. Please let it be good, pretty pretty pretty please :3?

Tales of the Abyss, it's pretty much the only PS2 game I actually liked really :/

@robotsneedhugs2: I go to UAT myself (junior). I'm in Game Art and Animation, not game design itself and I'd recommend you get into Game Programming or Game Art. Unless you actually know what Game Design entails, since most people who get into it don't.

@Zinger314: Yeah, I go to UAT where we make copious fun of Collins (a half dozen blocks away). Plus they've put ads up asking for our students to help them on projects, photoshop experience required. Photoshop experience -__-;

Woah woah woah, I think there's a much bigger question here then buggy-ness. Why is ToG being released straight from Japan to EU? Usually it goes through the US first...

I've always wondered this, and maybe someone could enlighten me, but why don't Aussies just import? I mean, they have access to Amazon and stuff so couldn't they just get a US system and import US games?

@DukeOfPwn: I think there are some gameplay possibilities here...

@Kaddisfly: I'm seriously on my hands and knees thanking you right now.