
Seriously UK:

My sister once pistol whipped me with a cordless phone. She also tied me up and put me in a closet for an hour. She also took self defense lessons that she DID NOT USE FOR SELF DEFENSE.

Exactly. Because the jist of the poem was "everyone thinks you're sweet and nice but I SEE THROUGH YOU".

Shortly after my brother was born, I came home from kindergarten bearing a drawing I had made of a family in a car and the caption "We are taking the new baby back to the hospital." My mother interpreted this charitably, as my brother was a baby with issues and a lot of time was spent going back and forth to the

I wish you luck, but we antipodeans are no thanksgiving rubes. We're working with 10 Friends thanksgiving episodes, we come prepared.

I used to put that I was 2006's Time Person of the Year on my resumes.

You know what disturbs and offends me? Cancer, not a woman's body that is battling it. Suck it up Times readers, no one cares if the slip of an areola or the incision from a lumpectomy makes you quiver. These brave women have a bigger battle to deal with.

News Flash: Titties Maybe Not a Huge Deal

Whenever I read the tabloid recaps, I always picture April's voice reading them.

Oh boo, I was hoping for a picture of your fun origami crafts! I for one am considering making beautiful paper beads out of the faces of the Kardashians. :D

Well Ray J was the one that wouldn't get out of her seat.

In that case, can one of the Kardashians please start humping evolution or global warming?

So the Kardashians sisters are leading the way in inter-racial relationships?

The way God intended.

I soak mine in a Bloody Mary.

From the linked article:

The thought of Dubya having an Etsy or CafePress store just amused me to high heaven.

I think I have a medical disorder where anything Beyonce sings sounds good to me. I know this song is cheesy as hell, and I would never excuse it from any other artist. And yet.

Yes, very correct. But they do have a history, and present really, of sexism, racism and discrimination against specific nonwhite populations. From the interviews I've read with Lilley, he was well aware of the taboo of black face and discusses how much of an uproar there was among Australians in regards to his

The Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee is mad about Harry Potter stamps. I'm mad that I don't have access to Owl Post. We all have stuff to get over.