RedHead Kevin

NO NO NO NO NO do not do this!! Probably worse than being stung by a jellyfish is Seabathers' Eruption (or "sea lice") (not actually lice). It's caused by microscopic jellyfish larvae that get lodged under your skin. And give a horrible rash. This is worse on areas where the larvae are trapped against the skin,

"They used to say 'If man could fly, he'd have wings.' But he did fly. He discovered he had to. Do you wish the first Apollo mission hadn't reached the Moon? Or that we hadn't gone on to Mars, and then the nearest star? That's like saying you wish you still operated with scalpels, and sewed your patients up with

Seriously. That nearly got me choked up.

Ejaculation is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.

Not sure I like this way to begin a movie. First, am I the only person who's sick of long slow-mo aerial shots of NYC as establishing shots? Second, can someone explain how the situation was made worse by Fury getting the Avengers together? I understand trying to find someone to blame, but it's reaching. I mean, if