
The animation doesn’t hold up but the story does.

Zatanna isn’t a villain so, by definition, she cannot be the hottest villain.

That's what makes Ryan Wilder a true superhero. 

I’m a Spider-Man

So basically you don't think the government should kill *people.*

Looking at the guest list it’s obvious he’s going to hang out with Run the Jewels

Meanwhile over at Sony Pictures Animation, here’s Katie Mitchell ready to fuck up some robots and fix her busted relationship with her dad which has nothing to do with her gayness and everything to do with him having a hard time letting her go off to college and be her own weird artistic person just like (but not in

Dear Disney,

Actually, the more I think about it, EVERYTHING at Marvel world should have a little offset-weight motor inside of it with a little speaker, so they can do little Ant Man routines everywhere.

Season 4 of Agents of Shield did it best in longform.  3 smaller arcs that played to a larger season theme.  You can also look to DS9's Dominion War arcs where there were multiple multi-part stories sprinkled with smaller one episode breathers.  Trying to have one bad-guy for 26 episodes just doesn’t work.  Even in

Go Up Her Big Old V

What you described is basically what happens to planets in the Imperium. For the vast majority of worlds, the Imperium is happy to leave them alone to do whatever they want as long as they pay their tithes in the form of resources and recruits for the Imperial Guard.

The size is such that thousands of worlds are lost,

Agreed. Your use of commas is bonkers though.

These kids are great and well & truly rock. In fact, the only reason they didn’t win Battle of the Bands was because the judges made it into a total beauty contest when they chose those talent-less poseurs ‘No Vacancy’.

I thought my last line was exaggerated enough that people wouldn’t take my comment that seriously, but whatever.

Fennec was an underworld assassin in The Mandalorian, not a bounty hunter. Why is she doing bounty jobs in the Bad Batch?

Yes, Naomi Harris was confirmed some time ago for the role. 

Thought the same

Let it live on in your memory, because I don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve hit up a wawa but they’re selling cheeseburgers now, and the deli meats now come in subway style packaging, no one’s slicing up turkey, and they’re certainly not using Amaroso rolls anymore. And their coffee was never all that great,

Here’s a caption for you:  “This guy is a huge cunt.  Fuck him.  Also, Trump is a cunt, too. Fuck him also.”