
Love to write shitty Penthouse Forum letters about my sex life that also mention superfluously that I went to Harvard.

I really REALLY hope Amazon pushes the marketing and get people to watch seasons 1-3. Every person who’s taken my recommendation and binged it, especially the non-sci-fi fans, have totally fallen in love with it.
The bigger budget and longer episodes, plus the great stories ahead, will get people talking and,

The Flash just needs to drop the idea of a season-long Big Bad. It doesn’t really work for him IMO, and every season ends up hitting really similar beats.

Making Lena Luthor evil at this point would be the stupidest thing the show has ever done and that’s saying something. *cough* Mon-El *cough*

Pretty psyched to see the return of everyone’s favorite holiday

Not to defend the governor here, but Foxhoven was often described by his colleagues as “Makavelian.”

Nah, he didn’t actually resign, he’s just working remotely from Malaysia.

Needless high heels; needless make-up; slim, hourglass figure despite how she should be a power lifter of a woman; “cutesy” hairstyle; angles/poses that are just a few degrees off from a pin-up; all topped off with a size -10 waist.

Lyme Disease is thousands of years old. The disease predates the founding of Lyme, Connecticut. So it’s not some interesting coincidence that there’s a government building on an island near Lyme. The disease should probably get a different name, and the tie to Connecticut is a red herring.

You make it sound like debate is even allowed in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium.

Um, dude, they’re still struggling with that debate in the 41st millennium

I am going to place a small wager that Kylo dies. I mean, dude killed his own father in cold blood! Classically, there really isn’t any path to redemption from that other than death. Or at least stabbing your own eyes out and going into exile.

What could possibly cause a completely normal fired chicken place to explode....I wonder.

Actual good looking, smart stable genius:

And here we see that, once again, Donald still won’t use his healing magic when it’s needed.  Frickin’ Donald.

But the meat is a bit flavorless so add a lot of salt.


On a spit with an apple in his mouth.

Apple in mouth, Hawaiian style....

The next step is Dino-Cylons, clearly.