
Van Gogh did a nice job designing Jupiter.

When eccentric billionaire Eamon Rathenos

Police: “Freeze!”

She is the only mother he has ever known. He is alone and afraid in a hospital surrounded by strangers after a life of not knowing other people. As awful as she is, she probably feels familiar to this poor abused baby. My heart breaks for this child.

For my money this remains the single best comic panel published in... the last ten years, at least?

He is, in fact, canonically good like that:

That’s the most Hawkeye thing he could do. Such dedication! :P

Just a few more hours to go... then I’m outta here to go see you-know-what!

You’re wrong.

Only one way to find out!

Does that happen in fanfic?

You, a common muggle: I hope I get into Ravenclaw!

How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

*famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect way that is emblematic of a much larger problem: which is that white, cis, straight people refuse to recognize the spectrum, influence, and importance of queer history and culture.

Now playing

“I am a gay man right now just without the physical act – that’s all.”

This time, he starts still carrying the Horn of Eld...

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and

Sir? Now that’s setting up the kid to be a pretentious asshole.