
It’s confirmed: Michael Mando is playing Mac “The Scorpion” Gargan in the movie

I’m gonna squanch the shit out of this.

John McCain would like a word.

I know right. People using stuff they enjoy, the audacity.

Yeah, but that gets back to “he finds her attractive” which was tagged as “unexpected”.

It’s simple: No one is like Brienne. She is a paragon.

I guess? But they know people south of the wall wear armor, so seeing a woman- who he’s use to thinking of as fighters- wearing fighting gear that’s foreign but familiar shouldn’t rock his world.

Right, and that’s the interpretation he went with. Which was apparently “unexpected but cool”.

Screw that. If we were talking crossovers I want to see John Diggle meet Lockjaw.

Deep in the Amazon basin there are people who have lived for centuries, maybe millennia with almost no contact with the outside world. They have been born, lived, raised their children and died for generations without seeing anything beyond their forest home. Because of their remote location and the difficulty of

Welcome to i09, where the comment section is usually better researched than the actual “articles”.

Beth, it’s Saturday. It’s Saturday today, Beth! You... you do know it’s Saturday, like... right now, yes?

As many others have said before me, the MSM needs grow a fucking pair and stop covering all of this shit. Fuck the briefings, fuck the rallies tape delay the fuck out of it and run it later using old VH1 Pop Up Video bubbles as fact checking tool.

Page 42, labelled ‘head’

This new realistic Yoshi is over the top.

Who owns Marvel’s version of Dracula? Whoever it is, it should rush out a movie about him just to mess with Universal.

I’m gonna wait for the Xbox One X Two X Xbox.

Nintendo: No one could come up with a worse name for a console than Wii U.

Game of Stones. C’mon.