
Blame Netflix. They started their streaming service and everyone saw how much money they were making on subscribers. Rather than being happy with whatever licensing fees they were getting for allowing Netflix to stream their product, the various studios decided they could make more money by yanking everything off of

Recommending for brilliant use of Grodd. I need to use that one more.

At least it didn’t ruin his hair.

Well that’s just silly worrying by Kate because she is awesome.

Sessions was referring to Hawaii. Its unclear whether or not Sessions knows that Hawaii is one of the fifty states or if he was just being racist.

Yeah I’m thinking that ‘five facts about my awesome wife’ tweet is a pretty big tell. She must be PISSED.

I know, canon and etc, but cannot get past a knee-jerk squick factor of 45 year-old Bettany having makeouts with <30 year-old Olsen.

It needs to be connected to WiFi so that it can cost $400.

Jeez. Wrestling fan until the end.

Speaking as someone who escaped from a cult-like religion, it’s completely plausible that her learning curve continues for some time. I’ve accepted that I will never catch up to the pop culture knowledge common to my cohort and there are still pretty basic things that I lack knowledge about in the real world, despite

I love the Pirates of the Caribbean main them, too... even if it was the theme from Gladiator first. ;)

Agreed. The entire score is fantastic. Sets exactly the right mood.

I think the first one is great and watch it about once every year or two. I thought 2 and 3 were absolute garbage. I didn’t watch 4. Would you recommend it?

So catchy!!!

Say what you will about Dead Man’s Chest, but the soundtrack is absolutely stellar, with the Sailor’s Hornpipe bit in Tortuga, the dirge for the Dutchman, etc. One of my favorites of all time.

Solo does sound like it would be from whatever the Italian stereotype is in Star Wars (I guess it will be the Corellians), so the that pronunciation makes sense.

I’m just saying...

Maybe it’s just because I started reading comic books when Eric Masterson was Thor, but I’m baffled why I see so many people claim that nobody else was ever took his name. He held onto it for awhile, too.

Eric Masterson was called Thor. So was Rogue.