“I want to take this time to apologize to those of you who took offense to my earlier comments. I regret that my words were taken out of context.”
“I want to take this time to apologize to those of you who took offense to my earlier comments. I regret that my words were taken out of context.”
Vivec is another great part of Morrowind! Vivec is many things at once and none of those things. They are lustful and composed. They are scheming and altruistic. They are compassionate and cruel.
I assumed something super gay because whenever a homophobe has a scandal, it usually involves secret rent boy assignations.
Dear God, please let there be gay porn in his emails. Gay porn he stars in.
Is the Mormon religion okay with alcohol? I am not sure and don’t want to state something wrong. In addition, I am too busy enjoying a nice cup of tea to research effectively. However, I can post this comment.
Not her fault you refused to listen to her
I’m hopeful about Lindsay Graham.
I hope Chuck Schumer is ready. He’s going to be the most powerful Democrat left in our government after the inauguration.
“Although I’m sure his replacement would be almost as bad so it’s cold comfort at best.”
BREAKING: Paul Ryan announces plan to set Pi to its biblical value of 3.0.
And, also, we need to stop calling them the “alt right” and call them for the actual barely-closeted Nazis they are.
Some days it is hard to stay in the South and keep fighting the bigots. Today and yesterday have been those days.
It’s ridiculous that anyone believes that Bernie could have won when Drumpf’s campaign was using anti-semitic language and symbolism to attract these people. People need to stop looking for excuses and overlooking the obvious reason which is bigotry. White people had it good, thanks to Obama who pulled them back from…
This is so so true. It’s so annoying when people try to explain it by saying “these voters felt left behind by the economy.” I live in Kentucky. Most Trump supporters I know are relatively well off (it is true, in my experience, that many do not have college degrees, but work trade or own businesses) and white. It’s…
I’m sure there are many different reasons why people voted for Donald Trump, and I’m also sure that Florida has more than 4.61 million racists.
President Old Dead Gourd Full of Poop
No puppet.
Because it suppresses the minority vote, in that minorities are statistically less likely to possess the kind of photo IDs required. For instance, if you live in an urban area or are too poor to afford a car, you likely don’t have a driver’s license.
In person voter fraud is also exceedingly rare. Think about how…
This has been your daily dose of White People’s opinions. Do not operate heavy machinery while under the influence of White People’s opinions. Do not mix alcohol in excess with White People’s opinions. If you exceed your daily does of White People’s opinions, induce vomiting.