These people (who happen to be women) may be wrong, but that does not make them bitches, and saying they need to get laid is sexist, obnoxious, and indicative of your misogyny. Please try to be civil.
These people (who happen to be women) may be wrong, but that does not make them bitches, and saying they need to get laid is sexist, obnoxious, and indicative of your misogyny. Please try to be civil.
21k now and counting.. fuck these holier then thou bitches with nothing better to do.. for fucksakes get a godamn hobby or get laid woman..
Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.
It’s where we eat a Bible every Tuesday for lunch.
If it stops on 11/8, I will be thrilled. I have a sense that he’s going to be poisoning the system for a long time to come.
As corroboration, I would like to point out just how *small* those hand prints are. Wonderful.
“I don’t characterize [grabbing a woman by the genitals] as sexual assault. I think that’s a stretch.” - Jeff Sessions (R - AL)
Oh, god, I just want this to be over.
Sorry Pence, this campaign is in it’s 14th month. Too late to abort now.
All I know is, anyone who puts on a scary clown outfit nowadays had some pretty big shoes to fill.
Did anyone else assume this was viral marketing for the new IT movie?
We get it, Sean, she wouldn’t fuck you. Get over it.
I’m just glad that someone finally called Sean Hannity.
It would be too easy to call her Famine, so I’ll go with Death. That pretty face is a good lure.
How do you do, fellow cryptids?
He looks like Pestilence, the 1st of the Four Horseman.
Please tell me your FB friend is a hamster.