
I literally yelled “No!” when I saw the sick cat frame

Well, that cat scene fucked me up.

But they did kinda do space already, with the weird other planet that Simmons was trapped on...

It’s still a massive disappointment to me that the newer Muppet Movies didn’t have a Statler and Waldorf “commentary” track.

It also disappoints me that the DC movies don’t have the same, in-theater.

I was kinda hoping this would be a continuation of the themes from Agent of Asgard, where Loki is, well, good-ish, fighting against his darker nature, except he’s really the evil Loki fighting to be evil against his newfound better nature, and being kinda caught between those worlds.

Either way, it’d be nice if Verity

I wonder what was his reason for doing something like this?

Um, Original Gimli? Look, I love his performance as much as the next child of Aulë, but wouldn’t the original be David Buck from the animated movie in 1978?

That “drift” move in the gif is basically exactly what I imagined every time the Rogues were in a dogfight and someone was using the aetheric rudder.

Please be Rogue Squadron, please be Rogue Squadron, please be Rogue Squadron,please be Rogue Squadron....

Yeah, if Darkwing Duck is on the platform, along with new Marvel shows, new Star Wars shows, and the whole Disney movie catalog, I’ll probably consider subscribing to this. And grumbling about it.

I’m not a scientist, but and in my personal capacity I have many questions that remain unanswered by current climate policy because I have not educated myself on them.

You didn’t care to begin with.

Straight white dude here (inserting his unasked-for opinion into someone else’s space, so being super SWD right now), and I also read that scene as gay... but I’m pretty sure it was because I had heard Tessa Thompson’s assertion that her character was Bi, so I was kinda looking for it.

I’ve gotta agree. While watching on Friday, I definitely leaned over to my girlfriend right before the Hulk burst out of that wall and said “Man, I wish I didn’t know who that was yet”

I mean, I thought the trouble with most of their movies was getting people to stay for the part before the credits?

Man, now I want to live in the DARK, METAL MULTIVERSE. Sounds way more fun.

Yeah, but it’s the DARK, METAL MULTIVERSE. Totally different. They get to have negatives.

Man, I played a Warrior back then, and you can bet your ass that I wandered around punching monsters to level that skill... and every other weapon skill, too.

Too late.

I mean, they’re definitely playing coy with her origins, and also her daughter’s. In last week’s episode, when she goes to talk to the school about her daughter and the principal is like “Hey maybe her dad is shitty”, she’s pretty quick with the “There is no dad”.

Maybe she and her daughter are both the construct, and