
Katana Phosphorous!

I think DJ’s real question is “Why is Danny taking money for this? Shouldn’t he just be doing it gratis?”
Which goes back to it really being Luke’s gig, that Danny hangs out and helps with.

I think she was only named once, if at all, in Homecoming, but she’s the Asian girl on the academic decathlon team. She’s credited as “Cindy”, and is Asian, leading to wild speculation that she’ll be suiting up as Silk.

That’s not a conspiracy, it’s marketing. Gun sales are about to spike again.

I mean, let’s not pretend this didn’t happen all the time in the EU, too.

I’m pretty glad Jaya Ballard made the list, she’s always been a favorite. But how are you gonna make fun of Goblins and not give a hat tip to Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician? Dude’s a legend.

I’m pretty sure Sam has met Eli, but how’s he not gonna stop by and say hi to Isaiah? That’s pretty messed up.

And yeah, sorry to make you angry, but that’s also kinda my point. If they’re sending Sam back to meet the first Captain America, then it should be the first Captain America. I love Steve and all, but Isaiah

I’m gonna go ahead and assume that Sam doesn’t run into Isaiah Bradley in this issue.

The flair for the poetic is fine, it’s the content. The closest in feel to this, maybe, is “For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky”, but even that sounds a bit... hopeful. This sounds... grim. Dangerous. Bloody. Pessimistic.

The length isn’t the problem, it’s the content. The closest in feel to this, maybe, is “For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky”, but even that sounds a bit... hopeful. This sounds... grim. Dangerous. Bloody. Pessimistic.

The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not for the Lamb’s Cry

Because Graham is a hack and always has been. He’s all bluster, right up until it comes time to toe the party line. He’ll talk a good fight, but then immediately bend over when the GOP says so.

Well I think that my role, and anyone who works for the President of the United States, their role is to inform, advise and then ultimately execute

“These are four of the best White students, academically, behavioral-wise which is obviously all that matters here,” Wilson said. “They’re just made a bad decision boys being boys!”

Formidable as they may be, if Punisher wanted to shoot them, there’s been little to suggest that he couldn’t other than his conscience.

Yeah, but it’s in North Jersey. Points off for that.

What, Camden, NJ didn’t even make your list? Fuck you. The former Murder Capital of the US is the perfect place Amazon won’t go. Close to NYC, Philly, and DC, you can likely get the real estate for a song, and your employees will enjoy the “Work ends before sundown” policy that working there would require.

Yeah, that’s kinda where I am, too. With every single breathless report about some dumb-ass thing he or his family tweets, my mind says both “Jesus fuck, this again? This isn’t even helpful” and “Yessss, hit them in the ego, make them bleeeeeed”.
What I’m saying is that it’s been a weird fucking time.

And feeding the Latino kids tacos the night before? Like, come the fuck on, man.

Who in their right mind is shocked by this? This show is terrible.