
No, I would not. I thought 2 and 3 were decent, but 4 was just boring and dumb.

Michael Bolton is a huge cinephile!

These movies vary so much in quality, but man, that main theme song... so good.

There’s more to Han Solo’s name, but it’s not that it’s not his name.

This is pretty clickbaity and you knew it.

Holy shit, Jasmin/Elektra and Pocahontas/X-23 are amazing

Nah man, A-Wings were pretty new in the Rebellion era, they’ve only gotten cooler with age.

But according to who? We’ve met characters from the future. Their future is the present for them. Barry going to the future, finding out what happens, then coming back to his present is exactly the same problem as him going into the past and changing things.

“Ok, I know I’m not supposed to go to the past to change things anymore... but what if I... run into the future, and then change things here! Yeah! That’s totally different and better, I’m so great.”

“Well, we are gathered here today to mourn the loss of our collective sanity...”

He was also Monstro on the Skullcrusher server in WoW back in the day (definitely pre-politics). We were guildmates. He was a decent dude, honestly, but I’m not too surprised to see his posts.

This feels less like a reboot and more like an apology

The Heartland Institute, a fossil fuel interest-backed organization

Yuuuuup, totally forgot it was Wally. My bad!

Shoot, it was. My bad!

I didn’t think they could top Barry’s supermove from the first game, which was a great homage to him beating the crap out of Braniac in JLU.

I read Pirate Lattitudes, another of his posthumous works, and it was alright. A decent read, and pretty fun, but didn’t feel very... Crichton-y. I think he had that one mostly done already, though. You could feel the pieces, but it wasn’t quite polished enough.

I quit probably a year or so ago when it became very obvious that in order to be competitive, you needed to buy the expansions. Fuck that noise, I’m not spending $25 a pop for that.

“There is no Expendables without Sly. I would never do the movie without him, no.”

It got really weird when the stockier brother got captured by Time Masters and tortured until he turned into an unstoppable assassin, but the power of friendship turned him back into a regular criminal.

You take that back! He’s way more consistent and interesting than anyone from The Walking Dead!