
I love the dude on the left, who is just so, so embarrassed for Danny.

So like, this is unprecedented in recent history, right? Like, the laws for the Electoral College were always there, where the Electors could vote as they felt and not as their state decided. But I cannot remember a time where multiple Electors were discussing using this option.

haha, dammit, they found a way to keep Arrow’s flashbacks going!

Well, if The Matrix is showing a Matrix-within-a-Matrix (which also helps explain why Neo’s powers work outside of the Matrix, because he’s just in another layer where “problem” people go), then Neo isn’t a human, but a sophisticated debugging program.

Well this is a fine kettle of shit.

Well, he once heard that a rising tide raises all ships!

That’s awesome! You need to interview yourself when your book hits stands!

Here’s what I don’t understand (well, one of many things this year). How the fuck did he negotiate any kind of tax break for Carrier? He isn’t the President yet. He has no power yet. How is he making deals?

I had never really considered this, but now it’s utmost in my thoughts. How the hell do they hang pictures?

Mine’s a bit more personal, in that I’m waiting for news that my grandma has passed. Physically she’s pretty healthy for a woman in her early 90's, mentally she’s been gone for a good 5-6 years now. If she was gonna go anytime, it feels like this is the year.

What an oddly specific complaint. Like, that’s what ruined the movie for you? Not Ace Ventura, Riddler?

“The social experiment has run its course.”

Why isn’t Laura on one of these teams?

I mean, neither interpretation is definitive, so believe what you’d prefer. But AoT is not a particularly nice universe.

Yeah, I’ve begun thinking that myself, and I’ve been a pretty pro-gun-control Lefty for my whole life.

Having only watched the anime, I don’t know. Only that sometimes it seems to happen, and at least in one case the person was definitely aware and seemed to be working against the remnants of humanity.

No man. The Titan was her son.

As I recall, it was “leaked” and also responsible for catapulting her into the national spotlight, leading to several tv shows. It was a feat later replicated, apparently more successfully, by Kim Kardashian.

As if there will still be books in four years.

Man, I have not thought about Gak in at least a decade. Now it’s my president. Goddammit.