
Man, you remember back in the 50's and 60's, when America was riding high, installing puppet governments in South American nations? And even more recently, when we tried it again in the Middle East?

He’s Irish, not British.

Welcome to America.

Very organized process taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many other positions. I am the only one who knows who the finalists are!

I mean, it was fun, but at one point I turned to my girlfriend and said “This is the dumbest movie”

Oh, sorry. Uhhh. They definitely don’t make it really obvious that Dark Phoenix is coming and that Apocalypse is basically just a placeholder. Yup. That’s it. Just ignore the thing that sounded like a spoiler before.

This was super obvious to anyone who watched Apocalypse. I left the theater yelling “Goddammit, not Dark Phoenix again.”

I think I saw that same thing... it was at a bar somewhere, and I remember her also saying “We’re taking our country back”.

Happy to help!

That’d be the Cloverfield universe of vaguely-connected movies.

I think it was Oprah’s.

Look at these faces. Melania has her best Thousand Yard Stare, just hoping to get through the next four years intact. McConnell looks terrified.

I had a really hard time reading that... statement? I guess? without vomiting, and I’m a fucking white dude. I can hardly imagine being nonwhite and seeing this shit. I am so fucking mad at white people right now, for allowing and normalizing this shit, and I’m so sorry to everyone else that we’re so shitty.

From what I understand, you’ll play your D3 character, so no Warrior/Wizard/Rogue who learns new spells by picking up books inside the cathedral. Still stuck with the normal “Here’s what you get when you level up!” thing.

You’re a puppet!

Honestly, I figure it’s either Tommy (which’d be kinda nice) or Felicity’s Cop Boyfriend

I felt the same damn thing, and I DVR’d it so I could fast forward. But it felt like we’d get 5 minutes of show for every 5 minutes of commercial.

if it addresses the fact Inhumans have already been part of the live-action Marvel universe for quite some time.

So, that is almost definitely assault. I assume we’ll all hear when charges are pressed against this former officer, and an appropriate sentence applied by the courts?