
Megyn Kelly cares about the protection of (white) women

*of the Lincoln bedroom

Donald Trump, a jack-o’-lantern that at least ten people have been using as a toilet

(Newspapers and others can already be sued for deliberately running false information—or, in some cases, true information.)

White dudes too, but mostly because we want to bang her, but don’t want her to be actively evil while we do it.

Yeah, I still assume that.

Which one is Ivanka?

It is not “political correctness” to expect people to not willfully hurt other people for the sole reason of just being an asshole.

Cynical opinion: This is viral marketing for the It reboot.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. I was gonna go with the cat, but... Doctor Hooo? That’s too good.

*schwing state

Come on, it’s also Stockholm Syndrome!

Nah. All the burning grease and blubber would just release more carbon into the air and hasten our eventual deaths. Plus I feel like they’re loaded with carcinogens. Best to shoot them into the sun, where they can’t do any harm.

Shit, that sounds fun.

I am super impressed that nobody punched this piece of shit. Also, good job to those cops who pretty calmly did their job and removed the shitstain, when they could have escalated things pretty severely had they not been careful.

It’s the same reason we want Megyn Kelly to not be a vile monster. We just don’t want to believe that monsters are real.

Have you watched iZombie? Ravi is charismatic as hell.

There’s at least precedent for Rebels using Imperial gear. Han even flies a Star Destroyer at one point or another in the old EU, and hey, Rebels gotta use whatever they can get their hands on.

Yeah... it’s an obnoxious complaint, but if it’s good bourbon they’re paying for, I can see why they’d be a little peeved.