
Chickenhawks like Bolton don’t do their own dirty work.

It’s a very uncomfortably odd photo.

We never had any minivans.

What? Rocket is clearly sentient and humans are “technically” animals so this makes no sense.

Also note just how few flying cars (Spinners) are actually seen in the Blade Runner movies. In the first film, especially, there is far more ground vehicle traffic in some of the places Deckard moves around in (it’s wall-to-wall gridlock at one point), yet in other places “this area is closed to ground traffic.”

I recommend a traffic light reflector:

Nonsense, they want out of the country, we should literally make it happen. Secessionists should have been deported.

I sincerely hope it destroys her career and that we are never subject to her as a media figure ever again. The same goes for others of her ilk.

If I had the means of pick up the Roadster version today. I love my Coupe but if I had to do it all over again I’d go for the convertible.

Every single parent who disagreed with the detentions (and it should have been all of them in this case) should simply refuse to allow their child to serve said detention.

Ditto, I’m a loud curser when things go wrong. :)

I enjoyed it immensely (“All Is Lost,” with Robert Redford for anyone else who is curious), despite the criticism above. Check it out!

“All Is Lost” with Robert Redford.

It’s a good movie (All Is Lost), so check it out! :)

This religionist idiot simply has no business in government. I can’t wait for her to be ousted with the rest of the scum.

That’s nice. I’ve had mine bought new in 2012 with nary an issue aside from silly runflat tires I’ve since replaced with non-runflats.