
And even if that is a reason for it, the family needs to keep him out of these situations.

(Never mind this was already addressed earlier)

I couldn’t stand to listen to him when he was just on his shitty TV show all those years (when I happened to catch a few seconds while channel surfing). I sure as heck go out of my way to not subject myself to him now when he is constantly on the news. Everything about him makes me rage. Sometimes I still have to

Only thing is, he insulted their parents so it can’t be children of Fox New/Brierbart reporters. And I wouldn’t want my kids anywhere near him either.

There is no way I would ever let any child of mine near this vile man.

The thing is though, the spokesperson admitted that Bush has done this “apologizes” for it, gave the BS excuse and yet people still don’t believe it.

Andrea Mitchell on Bush:

Yes grinding might be best. The rest of the mountain I have no issue with. :)

If ever a piece of “art” needed to be blown to dust, the carvings on Stone Mountain do.

As a frivolous, petty aside:

They need to stop rolling him out for group photos from now as well as other situations where he gets within touching distance. Otherwise it’s going to keep happening.

It’s on them to keep him away from women from now on in general, certainly no more photos in a tight group.

If his damn spokesperson has admitted this is a thing Bush has done on a number of occasions, be it some sort of “harmless” gesture or as a result of his mental state deteriorating, then his family has to simply not allow him to be close enough to other people that this continues to happen.

Now playing

“...on occasion, he has patted women’s rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner”

You got a plate???

Check the Rolling Stone interview that Edith Frances gives that is linked in this story:

Same for me!

I also remember this very well, though I probably haven’t seen it or thought about it for 35 years!

Sounds like he’s off his nut.

Archer is the best!