
He got a start on it this past January:

John Kelly should know that Congresswoman Federica Wilson *knew* and was part of the life of Sgt. La David Johnson, the man who was killed.

Kelly lost my respect the moment he critized the congresswoman for “listening in” because it sure seems to me that she was *invited* to listen in.

That is the case for MINIs.

I agree, which is why after my factory run-flats became unusably worn after less than 23,000 miles on my 2013 MINI Coupe S, I ditched them and had non-run-flats installed. Shortly after that, I ordered a 5th identical tire mounted on a steelie from Tirerack and I keep that spare in the back of the car.

All Generation 2

As I recall (this was years ago), the manual described it as something like “compact or full-sized if provided” was to be stored in that space.

The run-flats that came with my 2013 MINI lasted less than 23,000 miles. And I had to get one replaced in the first month of ownership after it picked up a chunk of metal and of course the dealer would not repair the damaged tire. Now I run non-run-flats.

I recall that several of my parents’ various vehicles had a factory-provided space-saver wheel/tire sitting in a recess suitable for a full-sized spare in the trunk.

Berkman should be fired immediately.

You would think that would have pushed him to say something. But I probably hope for too much.


Are you kidding? Trump doesn’t know where Niger is. I doubt he even knew it existed before all of this happened. He probably still doesn’t. But goddamn he knows where the pro shop is.

I really hope that Kelly finds it within himself to call Trump out. Take the consequences, whatever they may be and denounce Trump. Publicly. Now. If it now, when? Someone in that administration has to stand up to him. I don’t care what the protocol is, but this has gone way past intolerable and beyond obscene.

She did attempt to disarm many of her opponents though, literally destroying their weapons and knocking them out.

Everything about Trump is.

Ah, that’s good to know! The thing that I found slightly distracting in your video was how your real wheel and the game’s wheel model were slightly out of sync (understandable, of course) so being able to remove the modeled wheel is nice.

Very cool!

It does seem like an oddly specific phrase Trump used, doesn’t it? For it to have been made up, that is.

I agree.