
Condoms which are specifically designed and used to prevent sperm from meeting an egg...

Why? Sanctimonious moralizing.

On a religious station? Either someone didn’t *quite* understand the lyrics or played it with a hefty slice of irony!

Watch “The Final Cut” version when you do find it.

That last one just completely and perfectly portrays the utter smarminess of this man.

It goes well beyond embarrassment for me. I feel more rage that someone like him would even be considered a viable candidate for the office, let alone actually occupy it.

Now playing

I actually prefer Sarah McLachlan’s rendition of it (this appears on the 1995 album “A Testimonial Dinner - The Songs of XTC”). But the original is excellent.

Maybe some guys do with boxers, but it’s more trouble than it’s worth. And briefs? I think one could actually make more of a mess of himself than otherwise attempting to use the opening.

Scummier, generally.

They already got my $99 plus tax. I have no intention of ever spending a single cent on micro transactions.

Here you go!

Just for fun:

I would watch Kate Winslet watch Idris Elba watch paint dry.

I really wish every one of those people he was throwing paper towels at had thrown them right back in his face, but it would doubtless have turned out poorly for them.

Good to know! Dealer here won’t do it either.

Even Bush the Younger and Dumber would never have said anything so tone deaf.

I was hoping that everyone in that crowd would start throwing the paper towels back at him, but her would likely just cause all sorts of trouble for them.

The only thing more annoying than that is the missing rear fog light toggle (despite the fact that the lights and wiring are all present). One of these days I need to get an independent shop that works on MINIs to code the option on for me and install the toggle.

Now playing

Bebop is superior to Akira in all ways as there are no instances of Tetsuo and Kaneda screaming each other’s name for what seems like every single minute of its 3-year runtime. Well, it only felt like 3 years.