
I feel skeevy about it just seeing the headline.

Part of the overall fever-dream, acid-trip madness, who knows?

Thank you, but I’m far from the first person to notice it (there is other wierd footage in that scene as well, including shot of a snake crawling on a man’s face), and given that a particular version of the film has that moment deleted, some people may have never been exposed to it. It’s just very strange!

In some versions of WW&TCF, during the scene in the tunnel boat ride, among all the general craziness seen in the background, there is a clip (stock footage, I assume) of a live chicken’s head getting cut off. This is in what is ostensibly a children’s movie. It’s quick but if you notice it, blargh....

So much material to choose from, a whole limitless universe of new characters to introduce and we’re getting an adopted sibling for Spock who was never once referenced in canon before. I wish they had just given that actor (her name escapes me at the moment) a character without any dubious connections to old stories

The more choices we have to watch video content these days, the less tolerant I am of regular commercial breaks. The only thing I really watch on broadcast TV live anymore is my local sports teams and that’s pretty much it.

I signed up for Showtime purely to watch the new Twin Peaks but I was also very interested in and waiting for it for a long time. I like Star Trek in general, but aside from the new movies, the last Trek I regularly watched was Deep Space 9. I don’t even care enough about this new show to pirate it (which is not

I still find the chicken part disturbing.

Life is way too short to tolerate the presence of these kinds of people. Especially during a holiday dinner.

(Replied to wrong poster)

At my last apartment complex, people typically left perfectly good items they no longer wanted (usually when moving out) on top of the trash compactor (as opposed to opening the door and tossing it inside). I found a few neat things this way.

I can’t wait for another (of what feels like at least) 37 hours of hearing “Tetsuo!” and “Kaneda!”

Wells was onto something (though I find them fascinating animals):

Can we just all agree that all of our uncles work for or have worked for Nintendo?

We’ve had a Vancouver down here since 1825!

Imagine what that...arrangement... of hair would look like if it wasn’t pasted back over his ears.

What we need is relief from that long stringy mess of hair plastered over his ears <shudders>.