
My 2013 MINI and just about all the Generation 2 (the “new” MINIs) versions that preceded it had the giant speedometer in the center, yes, but the tach and a smaller, digital speedo is right above the steering column. As far as I know, all the 2014 and later models eliminated the giant speedo in the center (though

Unless you are planning to stay at your destination for some time, towing a trailer with a load of solar panels, frames, and other such is only going to affect your range negatively.

Every single one of those police officers who clapped with that trained seal should be fired.

It all seems so different from my scouting experiences in the 1980s. Just as I recommended a friend to NOT send her son to the Catholic high school I attended (years after I found out the administration shielded a priest who abused several children, allowing him to leave the country without informing the police) I

It’s especially sad to see what it’s become because when I was a scout in the 1980s there was no overtly religious stuff in my experience (despite our troop being attached to my catholic grade school—then again my 8 years of Catholic schooling was remarkably undogmatic). It was free of religious elements (other than

I remembered the movie (The Last Days of Patton) and thought for sure it wasn’t a Jeep so I had to look it up to be sure.

Now playing

Patton’s Death Car (well he died in a hospital after the accident)! A 1938 Cadillac Model 75 staff car (looking better than it did):

Speaking of Bannon, he continues to look like death warmed over.

Talk about being a target!

After the 2nd theft I’d probably move.

I’d like to know how that is legal. They are almost at the height of rear fog lights.

Like this:

I remain mystified by the thin strands he combs across the one ear but not the other.

“He maintained RWD was the culprit as he pointed to the car’s rear tires, so worn and bald you could see the steel belts inside them.”

My sister lives not far from where the shooting occurred and she said lots of people she knows in the area have been on edge about it the last few days. I’m about 25 miles outside of Philadelphia (NW, Royersford area) and there was some new clown in town living next to a black family and a year or two ago he had a

Chickenhawks such as Trump love to ingratiate themselves with “the troops.”

Yeah, I went to the school too and his name should definitely be removed from the library. I don’t care how much money he raised and donated.

Not all of us. I’m a Penn State grad and when I was there back in the late 90s, sure we all thought he was the greatest. But to hell with that now and his legacy. They started by removing the statue. They can continue by removing his name from the library he raised money for. And they should never have restored his

Especially satisfying because our state went for Trump. Bah.