
My sister lives not far from where the shooting occurred and she said lots of people she knows in the area have been on edge about it the last few days. I’m about 25 miles outside of Philadelphia (NW, Royersford area) and there was some new clown in town living next to a black family and a year or two ago he had a

Chickenhawks such as Trump love to ingratiate themselves with “the troops.”

Yeah, I went to the school too and his name should definitely be removed from the library. I don’t care how much money he raised and donated.

Not all of us. I’m a Penn State grad and when I was there back in the late 90s, sure we all thought he was the greatest. But to hell with that now and his legacy. They started by removing the statue. They can continue by removing his name from the library he raised money for. And they should never have restored his

Especially satisfying because our state went for Trump. Bah.

Lawrence O’Donnell actually talked about it for a bit on his most recent episode of “The Last Word” (about 4 minutes into this segment):

I’m sorry, how exactly is a deity someone’s “role model”?

Terrible Real Estate never fails to make me laugh myself silly. Funniest site I’ve found in ages.

I velcroed mine to the dash and it had switchable color LEDs (orange/green as I recall) AND a remote so at the time I thought it was the coolest thing. Despite the connection to the head unit via cassette adaptor.

Yeah I was in highschool, my first car (a 1987 Pontiac Grand Am which seemed old even then), so I was just starting to pay attention to fuel prices.

The cheapest I ever remember (regular) fuel was 99¢ a gallon. That was in the 1990s.

He is never not lying about something.

Well at least now we all know what it would be like to have an insane person elected as president. In case anyone was wondering.

I prefer, “Imprison All Domestic Abusers Now”.

You should mount that above the center exhaust so it flaps around for maximum effect.

I have had absolutely no issue with simply saying “Alexa, stop” to cancel any alarm or timer. It works just fine for me, ever since I bought my first Echo Dot. Yes, having to lower the TV volume if it is loud can be an issue, but that is an issue with loud background noise in general.

At some point you just have to let go.

I don’t even bother with e-mail anymore (aside from a few things).

Just start firing all of these people giving out these damn things.