
This is what the dealer where I got my car uses. I don’t mind it, but it would be a simple matter to remove it with fishing line, just like the hood badge. I doubt most people who don’t already know what this badge is would know it’s a dealer badge and because of that, I don’t feel like I’m advertising for them. If

A few years ago I was behind an old Honda on a rainy road. There was a pickup in front of him and the pickup had signaled a right turn into a shopping center. Shitbox Honda was driving way too close and too fast for the road conditions and as the pickup was making his turn the Honda drove right into him from the rear.

I’d expel everyone who lives in that building. Make an example of them.

What can I say? Logic and religious beliefs (particular among these kinds of people who make it such an all-encompassing aspect of their daily lives) do not mix. This guy talks about Dugger not yet being “truly broken” and how he cannot help the situation until that happens. In my way of thinking, I don’t particularly

These are the same people who think that praying for something will actually help matters.

Now playing

I had the red bottle. Still might, deep in storage.

Now playing

In 1995 there was a PC/DOS game called “Airpower: Battle in the Skies” and you controlled one of 8 different fantasy aircraft that were launched and recovered by airships. It was a clunky game, but I enjoyed it, particularly watching the airship vs. airship battles:

That’s “Briefing Time,” by the way, a B-25J based at the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum, in Reading PA. Lovely aircraft.

I wonder if anyone ever figured out the layout to the basement. It always seemed to be much bigger than the footprint of the house itself.

Good choice. I need to find a print of this.

And glove box! And pass-through door if you have one!

Furthermore, zombies should all be blind. Let’s even say that they are not really “dead” and are horribly afflicted due to some disease, yet alive. They should still not be a threat to anyone because how do they *see* with clouded eyes? Or hear? The only answer to how they continue to function is “magic.”

I haven’t read comic books since 1993 and I don’t care how faithful comic book-based movies are to the books. I just enjoy the movies for what they are.

Oh I agree.

On the non-JCW models, the outer grilles have fog lights in them. I just looked at the MINIUSA site and it looks like front fogs are not even an option on these new JCWs. I think that is a first.The inner pair of grilles are brake cooling ducts on the non-JCW models. I assume they are still brake cooling ducts here,