
Fortunately, there are many dozens on display in various museums and other places in the U.S. and around the world.

How about that camerman who was stationed on the other use of the wall? I bet he uttered a few choice words, too. That could have be very bad for him.

Are you going to have your current books for sale while the Skyline is displayed at the Simeone?

A long time ago I saw a possibly tongue-in-cheek quote somewhere (I can’t remember who said it, nor find it now) that went something along the lines of: “The purpose of a fighter plane is to shoot down other fighter planes.”

I was so excited about getting a SNES that I bought a few games a month or so before I even had the console itself.

My guess is that there are simulated prosthetic hands.

Well, that’s one way to get his name on all kinds of watch lists (I hope!).

I have Waze on nearly all the time, if only to be alerted to nearby road closures, accidents, police activity and suchlike.

Pennsylvania: Yearly inspections but no front plates. I’ll take that tradeoff!

Yeah, I got my license in the mid 1990s and the written part of the test was laughably simple. I spent hours studying the book and the day of the test I couldn’t believe how simple the test was. The actual driving part of the test was probably no more than 30 minutes, if that, on an off-street area behind the testing

I refuse to spend a moment more arguing with people when it comes to politics and such. I’ve done enough of that in my life and don’t care to spend anymore time doing it. The idea that I’m going to try to be friends with people I have nothing in common with is laughable.

Life is too short to associate with people who I find tedious and irritating.

“Never ever deal with anybody or anything that might have different political views than you.”

As I said: “I can see certain kinds of people really digging this, but I’m not one of them.”

MINI calls it a spoiler and claims that it does stuff, so it’s good enough for me. Also, it’s mine, so my favorite.

Or when people who don’t care about cars as anything other than an appliance, or as something used purely for transportation, design cars. I can see certain kinds of people really digging this, but I’m not one of them. I want a car that can drive itself but one that I’m mostly driving myself. I’d use it like people

They all look like they have been dropped from a damaging height.