
MINI calls it a spoiler and claims that it does stuff, so it’s good enough for me. Also, it’s mine, so my favorite.

Or when people who don’t care about cars as anything other than an appliance, or as something used purely for transportation, design cars. I can see certain kinds of people really digging this, but I’m not one of them. I want a car that can drive itself but one that I’m mostly driving myself. I’d use it like people

They all look like they have been dropped from a damaging height.

Which will only serve to confuse the general public. What a mistake that was.

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Evidently people are not remembering how dreadfully she treated Data when he took himself off duty after losing to Kolrami in “Peak Performance”:

She did nothing of the kind. The clones are discovered in the lab, Riker whips out his phaser and vaporizes his clone. He looks at Pulaski who nods at him, giving her assent and he kills her clone as well.

All in good fun.

One “too” many...

The funny thing is, the more realistic these games look, the more you start to notice things that should be there which are not. Add in some airport and container yard activity and ship traffic next to what you suggested and it would look very real.

Very impressive-looking, especially the constant stream of foot and vehicle traffic. The only thing that breaks the illusion is the lack of activity at the airport and container yards.

Dashcam guy was lucky he didn’t get caught up in this as well, especially with the distraction of the phone call coming in at the worst moment! I almost never take calls in my car, it’s just too disruptive. And if it were me in Dashcam’s place, I hope I would have had the opportunity to put some more distance between

The M4A3E2 still had the .30 bow machine gun, as well as the .30 coaxial machine gun and the .50 on the turret roof (which is stored in a rack at the rear of the turret when not in use). The additional 1-inch armor plate had a cutout for bow machine gun and it was just welded onto the existing hull. Headlight fittings

And the M4 has a coaxial machine gun mounted next to the main gun than can be used by the crew while under cover to fire at whatever the main gun is pointed. Plus, the bow machine gun with limited traverse in the right hand side of the front hull. That gun on top was also used as an anti-aircraft weapon.

I imagine there are ways to do that, either with something like the module you’re talking about or other mods/coding, though I don’t recall anyone doing this in the various Coupe/Roadster forums, nor have I seen anything for sale to accommodate that. You always have the choice to raise the spoiler manually at any

You can simply raise the spoiler manually via a toggle switch. I do that when I wash the car or after it’s rained so it dries faster underneath, though there are drains in the recess. “Fixed” (as in, not movable) spoilers are available. The active spoiler is disabled in the computer (otherwise errors will show on the

I think the Bugatti is stuffed underneath...

It deploys at 50 mph, not 35.

Which makes me wonder how the Roadster feels at speed with its roof up since it lacks what the hardtop has up there...

Actually, there are instances where you have just a single example of a particular class of vessel. The ex-USS Olympia (the cruiser, not the submarine!) and USS Enterprise are two that come readily to mind. Only one of each of the Olympia-class cruisers and Enterprise-class carriers were ever built:

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Wrong, as he has absolutely used automatic weapons and explosives against humans, killing them: