
My father had a new Mustang of this era and within a year of owning it, the plastic speaker covers in back were dropping off (you could see whatever adhesive was used had melted the mounting pins of the part) and the doors loudly squeeked when opened. He got rid of it soon after and has never gone back to Ford.

Lifetime driving ban for the 16 year old and also for the driver for being stupid enough to be his friend.

This is what my dealer uses.

The Phillies can't move Papelbum outta here fast enough. He's a nothing but a goddamn whiner.

"I lost money on Hagler!"

Vikings: cut this clown. Right now.

Interesting. In my case, the Universe being purposeless and my belief that everything that makes me a person, my consciousness, the idea that all of that will end permanently at my death doesn't bother me at all. Would I prefer it to be otherwise? Of course. But to believe in that is to delude myself. I'm going to

You go on and keep believing this is an isolated incident.

A good friend of mine is in a relationship with someone who has physically abused her more than once over the course of 6 years. He has multiple run-ins withe the police and a record to match. In May of 2013 she finally kicked him out and it seemed like she could finally relax. No more fighting, no more scratches

And that wasn't anymore of a "tank" than this is.

Every single time I get a piece of mail from the school asking me to contribute for various fundraising, I return it with my reasons why I choose not to. Just as I do for my Catholic high school which allowed a pedophile priest to leave the country.

Decades ago, this is the system that was used in my little town by the fire department. A series of bells/tones sounded so many times corresponding to a number for a street/intersection or specific business (most of which are long gone). It's still probably more sophisticated than what these unfortunate fire

Nuclear all the way.

Just as you could theoretically have ejection seats for everyone, but it would be impractical and very expensive.

What's absurd with the replay is having the on-field umpires phone in to NY. Give them monitors to look at right there on the field, just the way the NBA refs do courtside.

You forgot: every armored military vehicle is a "tank" and every naval vessel is a "battleship."

I was honestly expecting tears. Tears of anguish.

A sadder picture is the one the owner takes of an empty parking spot.