
which looks a bit like it was styled by the design team of the Covenant from Halo

These family of sites shill for amazon yet run articles about how much amazon sucks, they champion for gay rights and inclusion yet happily gay shamed for hits. They bash big business for tax dodging while they hide money offshore.

Ehhh. It’s literally doxxing.

Fuck you. Fuck you. And. Fuck you.

“Shut up hater. *vape* You don’t fucking know what you’re fucking talking about. *vape* The GT86 is about balance, brah. *vape* If you add more power, it fucks up that balance. *vape* I’m GLAD Toyota didn’t give it more power, because it’s so perfectly balanced. *vape* It’s perfect in every way, which is why i

So much for the tolerant left!

Meh, I honestly think each Mazda vehicle leads its class. I can’t think of any better vehicles for class and price.

I don’t believe doxxing anyone is okay... and there is no grey area in that for me. This is a bad Pandora’s Box to keep opening, and it’s pretty disingenuous for a family a web sites that constantly positions itself against doxxing. There are many ways to get at these people. Doxxing is not one of them.

Glad you understand the rules. Now go fuck yourself.

Remember folks, doxxing is bad unless it’s done against people you disagree with.

No writters name. You know they expect blowback

There’s that old Gawker feeling.

For reals. All of the driving handbooks should change mentions of left lanes to “passing lanes” to try to get this idea out there a little more effectively.

Negative. If you block the passing lane, you are breaking the law in the majority of states.

It’s passive-aggressive driving (note that second word there) . Driving smugly in the left lane because you feel you are within the law and nobody else matters causes everyone behind you to get angry and make unwise decisions. You are absolutely the cause, don’t try to pass the blame. Plus, it’s illegal in most

the hazard is caused by driving in a lane meant for passing.

This. Absolutely needs to be shown in every driver’s ed class, etc. Every day, start of class. Drill that sh)t into their heads so they don’t forget.

That’s fine tiger, just move over once you’re done.

Well I’m glad it went Viral, but it’s still not quite right. Technically every state now has an anti-left-lane-hog law, although they all vary in how they are worded.
Which is the problem shouldn’t move right when there are people behind you, you should move right when you are not passing’s that

Thank you! Left lane vigilantes are a menace. Having to pull into the right lane to pass is not only inconvenient, it is dangerous. Whenever I drive overseas, and forget to get out of the left lane, other drivers do not hesitate to flash their lights at me while they’re approaching. This should be considered