I didn’t realize losing power brakes meant losing brakes completely.
Of course the best looking BMW wagon yet is the one we don’t get. |:<
White Silver Metallic FTW!
A GTI Sportwagen would have been the absolute perfect car.
There goes my dream of a maybe-someday GTI Sportwagen. Damn you, VW. Damn you to hell.
Does he treat his late career as philanthropy, bringing a championship to some unloved team in a desperate city?
the motor—which he later told me had been replaced at 26,000 miles
Good insight here, and fits my own experience. Skiing may be easier up front but far more difficult to become expert than snowboarding.
Native Utahn here. I started snowboarding in 1986 or so (snowboards back then were trash!), a year after learning to ski (poorly). I wouldn’t say skiing is easier to learn than snowboarding. It’s just that your snowboarding experience greatly lessened the skiing learning curve. I switched back to skiing about 5 years…
“It comes in five delightful colors.”
Ugh, the header photo is everything wrong with Honda design these days. What an overwrought mess. I miss the Honda design of yesteryear. Nissan and Toyota are in the same boat. Pure visual chaos.
(how the hell do we pronounce that anyway?)
The 2013 A4 looks the best. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’ve owned more Hondas than any other car. But I wouldn’t touch any of the current models. Their design has gone off the rails. For me,VW is about the only “Regular Joe Pricing” brand left (except maybe Mazda?) that isn’t utterly and laughably overwrought in its design language (although the new Jetta doesn’t help).
Daenerys going Mad Queen was going to happen, it just happened too quickly and without the amount of development her turn would had received if this was a normal lenght season.
DANGER! DANGER! I was cast back into the grays like a heretic for griping about a Jalopnik writer spinning a racial inequality tale out of the rich, white-heavy world of F1 racing. The Gizmodo/Gawker properties can’t help but flavor their work with a heavy seasoning of left-wing ideology, much like most of today’s …
One of the best-looking wagons out there for sure. Shame Americans are willing to buy sedans (worthless!) and SUVs but not wagons. :(