I'm almost certain I picked up smoking from all the long haul flights I took as a kid in the 80's. Second-hand smoke is a hell of a drug...only quitted when I stopped going to karaokes in the early 2000's...lol...
I'm almost certain I picked up smoking from all the long haul flights I took as a kid in the 80's. Second-hand smoke is a hell of a drug...only quitted when I stopped going to karaokes in the early 2000's...lol...
I'm a driver AND now, a scooter rider.
Remember 802.11n wasn't an official spec for the longest time while equipment manufacturers were churning them out. The IEEE, though I don't know the nitty-gritty, releases draft specs that ultimately lead tothe final specs. Most of these NIC's are also firmware upgradeable.
Some of us run internal networks that could use the higher speeds for file transfer.
Drivers' seat is on the left in China...you must be thinking of Australia...or Japan...or Hong Kong...
I can park this along side my McGuyver floating house...neat!
That's my office tooth picker!
Best. Secuirty. Systen. EVAR...
We need to be fair...lets attach penises to all the women that work for Facebook...
Tank man is my hero...always.
But you have a whole generation of Americans trying to win dance and singing contests and trying to make millions in a dying business model called the "Entertainment Industrial Complex", where the US still prides itself that its number export is culture (ie. music and movies).
I have a feeling...this is what the dinosaurs tried to do, before they brought back a really big rock...which landed in the Carribean/Gulf of Mexico basiin...
How come it seems like the car in the other lane knew that epic fail was being delivered by a lightning bolt and he just said "fuck it, I'm parking it to the left... And there she goes..."...
Wow...I'm going to invent and patent the "standing over tub and cut your nails" nail-clipper...
it does, doesn't it...
why do hipsters like old shit? are they so hip that they're too hip for shiny new things? or is it because it's hip to buy useless old shit with today's dollars and then claim being poor for typical money mismanagement?
You can sense his exhilaration...of a man, who's been spending too much time by himself...
would be cool if the woman's face shows up when you scan it...