
Season one is like 7 episodes long. How could you stop there?

Everyone loved it.

I really hate watching matches with Morrigan in it. It's just "screen full of shit and maybe someone gets a lucky shot in". Boring.

Serious question, are you excited by this Strider game and new Killer Instinct made by Double Helix when you know they made Front Mission: Evolved, Silent Hill Homecoming, and Battleship The Movie The Game? I know I can't get excited with a resume like that for Double Helix... So how can you?

gta in boarding school

Thank you, Pope of Humour, you may go back to your ablutions now.

... I'm legitimately half-terrified that if MML3 does come back, it'll be with Double Helix at the helm.

I'd rather have no MML3 than Double Helix MML3.

Just remember that Capcom closed Clover... and here we are.

capcom is out of bad developers. you have to wait till one of them has time to ruin another of their franchises! :D

I was excited. Very much so. Downright elated. Then I read "Double Helix".

God damn you, Capcom. God damn you.

New Strider?!?!?!


Double Helix?!?!


Why is Doule Helix getting so much work reviving long dead beloved franchises?!

I agree, and I'm happy to mark it off my wishlist today. I've been hoping it would get marked down to around $5.

Buy it. You will not be sad

Honestly, I want it for the jokes and the experience of playing through it once. No way in hell I'd pay more than $20 for it, but I've paid more for bland hack & slashers before... *eyeballs Dynasty Warriors series*

It's extremely good. It has very rough edges in the dialogue and video, but the gameplay itself is extremely unique, challenging and just all around fun. They are already working on a sequel and I want them to be as successful as possible so as to help iron out the rough edges in the presentation. The music's great

Just got Sang-Froid, hope its as good as you say! I am also addicted to Civ 5, got it 3 months ago and have over 120 hours in already. I definitely stayed up til 5 am on a worknight once too...

Everyone should buy Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves. It's got some of the most original and fantastic gameplay i've experienced this past year (Other than Civ 5 Gold, which I bought yesterday....and played for 11 straight hours. Fuck Napoleon!)