
Why did Kanye let her finish?

Dude! I was 12 on the first time I played this game! Thanks for the HD link!

Here here, too many news posts talk about the failures of kickstarter, but there have been plenty of successes as well to justify it as a new means of development funding.

"Almost None"?!?! What are you talking about?! There are at least 96 games on Steam ALONE that owe their existence to Kickstarter. (And I'm not counting games that are Greenlight either, I mean the actual Steam Store itself) And of those 96, only a handful aren't released yet, but have solid release dates

I saw there was a trailer on the PSN store for PS4. Im really surprised the game is on Kickstarter, I was under the impression the game was close to being finished. Its a really awsome looking game, gameplay premise and aesthetic wise. If it failed to reach it's first goal on Kickstater, Why is PS4 advertising it in

I swear, some stills of this game look like photos of REAL found footage or real life camera footage.

I'm excited to see what else comes from the new Fox Engine.

This looks damn tasty to me, definitely would eat it ^^

They were only suggesting "Robin', which wouldn't be that out of place.

I suppose it might be my bias as having played Demon's first and it being one of my favourite games of all time shining through really!

I couldn't help but feel that half the characters which were awesome in DS2, weren't awesome because of who they were and what story they had to tell, but they were awesome because

I wouldn't say "classic" applies exclusively to older things...

I love the design of this console. If this were official (or not thousands of dollars) I'd buy it in an instant.

That HD remake of Grim Fandango, announced at Sony's E3 press conference last month, isn't just for PlayStation—it'll be out on PC, Mac, and Linux too, Double Fine just announced.

What people don't know about this?

You know I'm bringin you twice the Half Lives and future penguins and like massive space dragons and fuckin cool shit you wish that crazy old knife-collectin gangsta at Valve had given you years ago.