
Indiana Jones is going to have a harder time figuring out which is the Real cross more so than he had with the Holy Grail...

I can't stop laughing at this picture with the context of this article....

I never really thought about it, but I amazed to know that he was so young in....Young Guns. For some reason I was thinking he was older than that.

Huh, not really as far back as I had though...

But was it always planned to keep the look of Quarians mysterious?

or extreme cold. Which ever you have on hand.

I thought science and sadism were one in the same....?

It's a trick! The scientists that did this study are actually Vampires. They are trying to get people to restrict garlic because it really works on them!

In ME2 it was explained that Reapers used the Citadel (which is a jump gate) to come back into the system and start a surprise attack while taking down all of the jump gates. Not being able to take the Citadel first leaves those jump gates up giving everyone the chance to send back up to wherever the Reapers are

Rufus is awesome!

That was such a great show.....

Bah...forgot about that. That is a good reason then.

I'm a bit surprised Hell On Wheels hasn't made the list. It's a very good show. Not Sci-Fi, but neither is Castle or Psych (yes I know why Castle is on the list)

No, this movie does not exist.

I think you read the title of this article wrong. This movie is quite necessary.

Texas probably gets a C due to Agricultural Science

They'd get into everything....

Now I'm curious as to what the original image was before you put K-On! up there.

Not nice to tempt us with awesomeness only to find out about this