I'll agree that it didn't look like what I imagined either, but it still looks really good. Well, Effie looks exactly like what I pictured.....
I have to say I'm loving the style that they chose. It fits the book really well!
This really is no darker than some of the Christopher Pike books I read as a teen.
Yeah, I've yet to read anything about it too. I REALLY want to play this game!!!
My steam account is awaiting it's release to start downloading it.
Ah okay. Cause I would have been sad to miss meeting one of you....
Wait, wait, wait! Were you at the Savannah Film Festival, CJA? Did I miss a chance to meet someone from io9?!?!? (I never remember if the exclamation point is suppose to come before the question mark or vice versa)
I think that can be effectively used is sex ed. I know it would have scared the hell out of me...
I thought Tickle Me Elmo was the worst....
Seriously, the first thing I thought when I heard her speak was that she sounded like she was going to molest the little girl. It was rather disturbing, especially when did the touching....
I have to disagree. It fits perfectly on a gaming site. How many people shout these slurs at people daily while gaming?
I get sick of people thinking that knives are violent. They are just another tool like screw drivers or hammers. They can be used for violence just as well as any other tool can. I carry a knife every day for work purposes and I'm not a violent person.
Bladerunner, Brazil, and Soylent Green are the main ones I can think of off the top of my head.
I watched this every Halloween when I was younger. It is such a great movie, and Mrs. Garrett rocked!
The casting so far looks phenomenal! I can't wait to watch more of it.
I wonder if this fact can get me into a good college...
I have to agree. I've never had dreams about that either...
Nope, that is similar, but not Grandpa. That's most likely Dracula from Monster Squad.