
are you really so surprised?

I have to agree with you. Those looks pretty damn sexy....

I live in southern Georgia and I am also unsurprised....And people ask why I don't date people from around here...

Why do I have to wait a whole year for Blackout!?!?

There really isn't anyone in this movie that I care for. I've grown to be more of a DC fan over the years. With only a few Marvel characters I actually still like...

Storm was always my favorite. Then Jean as Phoenix.

I won't be at all shocked if it doesn't live up to the hype.

Don't read any of the comments, there are MAJOR spoilers.

I was in this same boat until I started reading the second one. I found that I really liked Shaun a lot.

Not at all, I've grown to really like his character.

I have to agree. I devoured the last Toby Daye book that came out faster than any of the others.

I, too, am a fan of her other work. I thought I was one of the only ones who actually liked both.

Don't let it get to you, the second book is amazing!


You'll notice it a lot more in the second book.

I've noticed that repetition with certain info is something this author does a lot in all her books. It really hasn't bothered me at all.

I'd love to see more stories in set in the world of Feed after this trilogy. Even just small ones of Irwins and such in the field! I did not picture Shaun like that at all...

Yeah, I teared up at that part as well. It was hard not too. After which I almost threw the book across the room before finishing it.

I kept imagining the test kits to be rather large for the quantity they go through.