
Yeah, I teared up at that part as well. It was hard not too. After which I almost threw the book across the room before finishing it.

I kept imagining the test kits to be rather large for the quantity they go through.

I didn't see it so much as the typical zombie book. It was more like a world use to zombies and how it goes by day to day. Instead of the start of the apocalypse with a few heroes trying to save the day.

Most books I read I tend to like certain characters right at the beginning or as soon as the are introduced. With Feed, I found myself having to get use to the characters and some I didn't like until the very end. Most people would consider that a bad thing, but that's one of the things I really enjoyed about it.

Being from Texas and having family that lives there, I didn't find it all that unbelievable.

I'm glad that I barely even know who that is....

...that doesn't really help, but thanks...

I agree, this comic has been phenomenal lately!

I totally read the title of this article as "Robert Rodriguez releases Kids 4 tailer"

Why can't I ever live near places like this?

As long as Earth is just far enough away though....

Not sure if that is better or worse than the Mormon dragon I had at my door last week.....

I know a few atheist ones...

Is it just me or does it look like it has a bit of rubber ducky DNA mixed in it?

I looked over the first few pages of the first book no thinking about the name. I thought "Huh, looks interesting, I'll give it a try."

Lysol makes things so much worse....

What happens if you come home really dirty one day and the bacteria decides you are the enemy?

What I wouldn't give to have a self-cleaning tupperware. Once the food in it starts to go bad it starts to break it down, leaving a nice citrusy know, instead of the leftovers staring at me, devouring my soul with it's smell. it wrong that the first thing I thought of when I saw this picture was a cross between a whoopee cushion and fake vomit?

I couldn't watch much of the Avenger, the voices they picked were just...not right.