@Samo: No, they were watching a Super Nova or something and Fry went to make popcorn. The combination of those actions caused them to go back in time.
@Samo: No, they were watching a Super Nova or something and Fry went to make popcorn. The combination of those actions caused them to go back in time.
@Samo: Okay, my memory isn't what it use to be....what other time machine?
@leeward: I love that line...though it seemed so very creepy
@Samo: One thing I was trying to figure out. If they basically stayed in the same place they were and just traveled in time, how was Hitler there?
@crankypage: "And I was just about to close the deal"
I love seeing that most of the time everyone agrees which episodes are the best.
@Nikto: Oh we missed, we'll have to bring her around again.
How can you title something that way and not expect me to look while at work? You are EVIL!!
I need help looking for a laptop. Something capable of gaming. Perhaps for SW:TOR (yes, I know specs aren't out yet) or Starcraft 2. Doesn't have to run it on the highest setting, and I'm not looking to spend a fortune. Any help would be appreciated!
I did my part to save them! I went to the movie....that money did go to save the Na'Vi, right?
I liked Claudia more when she was bad. She just hasn't been as good when she turned....good. And, yes, the identity crisis thing with Leena bugged the hell out of me because I've always liked Leena more.
Bob's Burgers was being sponsored by Fox? Does that mean it was cancelled abruptly in the middle of the day just before it was about serve?
@rcs914: Actually, I don't see it on there anymore...
JESUS! Don't DO that too me! Sitting there looking at all the costumes. Actually quite a lot of good ones...then BAM! Number 56 loads with out me knowing what it will be.
Okay, there were a few things in there that really reminded me of the video game Demon's Soul....
@phoenix: I knew it was somewhere! Thanks!
@Shini: R.O.A.C.H.: Tachikoma is happy about this news!
We get lightning like that where I live. Heat lightning is no joke....
That teddy bear is extremely comfortable. My nephew have one that stays at my place and I often use it for a pillow...
@WookieLifeDay: And they don't seem to be super strong comparatively..