
Seems more like a resources thing. This way they don’t have to animate the eyes and mouth, saves up on time.

Word, just let it die. Or bring it back once we’re ready to allow ourselves to play well designed linear (stealth) games again. MGSV kiiiiinda worked, but MGS aint SC. A NUbisoft SC game would be an open world collectathon murder simulator, not a tightly paced well designed infiltration/exfiltration stealth game.

I just read up on it. They’ve done an immense job of making a game that looks and plays almost identically to a HeroEngine game then. God knows why because it’s just so bad.

Ah I must have missed that. They’ve done an immense job of making a game that looks and plays almost identically to a HeroEngine game then. God knows why because it’s just so bad.

No it isn’t, ESO does not play like a BGS game. That’s a fact, lol. ESO tries but it can never play or feel like say Skyrim because Skyrim uses the Creation Engine, which uses completely different physics, lighting and plays and moves completely different from ESO. Fallout 76 is the first real BGS multiplayer game in

ESO is a Hero Engine game, a game engine used by SWTOR, DC Online and other MMORPGs. It’s an engine specifically designed to make “WoW killers” with. It doesn’t feel, play or look like a Bethesda Games Studios game at all. So the comparison doesn’t work. 

Really? Just some panning shots? That was nothing special at all. 

Which isn’t in the game either.

I’ve been looking forward to this.

Seriously, what the fuck was this guy watching? People are so bent out of shape with the neksnapping scene that they’re not even thinking straight anymore about what actually happens in the film.

“When I play Odyssey, I’ll spot a cluster of question marks on the game’s map and venture toward them to find out what they represent. If they point me to the location of “alpha animals” to kill or optional enemy bases to clear, I’m into it.”

Only open to U. S. res-si-DENTS!!!

Why have they still not figured this out in games? Is clipping with cloth physics just impossible to prevent?

So I've only played I and II on PS2 back when they first came out more than *10* years ago. Can I just pick up and play this and understand what's going on at all?

Spot. On.

As opposed to the shitty grind fests that are Origins and Odyssey? HAPPILY.

They should go back to Persia. Complete the circle and go back to its roots (AC was originally a next gen PoP). They’re already doing a Darius DLC (Darius was the first assassin to use the hidden blade and assassinated Xerxes). Ancient Persia could look incredibly striking. Plenty of cool landmarks, environments and

They’ve abandoned any pretense of being historically accurate since Origins. Odyssey ramped it up even more.

Amother character Blizzard designed for people to make porn of!

“I played for a few minutes and the differences continued to pile up. Kassandra, my Odyssey protagonist, moved like a superhuman gymnast compared with Arthur Morgan, the plodding star of Red Dead 2. Kassandra’s horse, Phobos, controlled more like a Star Wars speeder bike than the idiosyncratic, free-thinking animals