
But that’s because they’re both pretty different games. The Witcher’s’ world is simply a place that sets up and introduces stories to Geralt. Where as Skyrim (and other TES games) try to simulate a fantasy world as real as possible, forge, cook, sleep, build houses, etc. Geralt can’t even do blacksmithing, and that’s

I’ll allow it.

That’s ok.

Or I could just find compressed rips and save on harddrive space. I actaully love spending money on things which is why I bought the the blu-ray set. Luckily I live in a country with a parliamentary representative democracy and a multiparty system and not a federal republic.

I have about 5TB, which almost all of it is already in use from other rips. The TNG blu-ray seasons are huge with the episode count being 20+ in every season. 200+GB for a single season is not efficient use of space imo. Which is why I was looking for compressed rips on the internet, fucker. ;)


I would have really expected this to be in an at least upgraded Anvil Engine. Hmmmmm.....

I was literally busy remuxing this episode the other day from the blu-ray, until I realized the entire season was going to bee close to 200GB in total and I had to deleate it all. Finding compressed BD rips of TNG is fucking impossible.

“Especially Lord of The Rings.”

Now all it needs is a score from Jesper Kyd and it’s the perfect Hitman.

Oh god I’m getting Inquisition vibes from this, get ready to scan all that Alien flora (elfroot). *shudder*

And then World of Warcraft happens.

Thanks for stopping by to tell me thanks for stopping by and telling how I don’t like this thing.

Could not find the motivation to keep playing. Narritive wise it did not satisfy or encourage me to continue. It is the only Beth game to do so. The only way I could even attempt to build something like you did is in an isolation cell with a gun to my head.

Man this game was such a bummer. I think my character is still stuck in the first settlement trying (and failing) to build a wall around it. Oh god and the Power Armor management horseshit *shudder*.............

No Sega Soccer Slam?

Seems like you forgot to set your resolution scale to 100% like Giant Bomb, heh.

Now playing

The game is actually pretty decent. I recommend watching the Giant Bomb Quicklook.

Wait, what? Seriosuly? That’s a very odd coincidence.

Right, but the crack was made possible by Voksi’s bypass. This type of bypass is no longer possible so it’s not like we’re gonna see 100% working cracks for Denuvo games suddenly popping up.