How about we stop with these “pewdiepew does...” articles, eh? Who wants to know this? Who?
Coming soon to Steam Early Access like Rust, Reign of Kings, The Forest and other iconic IP’s like Conan......
Laaaaaame, I want my E3's big and dumb and big. Soon everyone’s leaving the big party and then we end up with just a few smaller party’s......
It’s a good movie but it really isn’t this glorious masterpiece everyone makes it out to be. People need to take chill, TAKE A CHILL.
Alright, message received. People still buy gaming laptops it seems. Jackie Chan is still confused
I’m not missing anything, they just suck. I find gaming on laptops really uncomfortable. I’ve brought my desktop to my friends house countless times, noting ever gets “damaged.” And it runs better, is cheaper than most laptops. And is not ergonomically a nightmare for gaming.
I brought my desktop to my friends house last week and we played Rainbow Six Siege. Is *that* too complicated for you? How much did that laptop cost you? Is it more powerful than your desktop?
I would have probably gone with the 3DS route in that case. But maxed out Mad Max (lol) on a laptop is impressive!
I totally get that, but some of these people are buying these things instead of desktop systems. If had too little space for a desktop set-up I would just go get a console. I don’t know, I just find laptops for gaming to be a huge pain in the butt ergonomically.
There, there. You want some hot chocolade with those tears?
Well that was underwhelming. It's just Jedi Knight locked to 2D perspective.
Of all the thing it could have been, it's The Matrix. Awesome.
And then you would still have the terribly redrawn animation which imo looks quite horrid compared to the original.
Who. Fucking. Cares.
I thought it was going to be more of an Action-Adventure style game ala Uncharted? At least I thought they were (with Amy Hennig at the helm and 1313 getting scrapped and all).
To me it felt *very* similar to Howard Shore’s The Hobbit films. A composer that made legendary music for a trilogy of films. Then comes back to the sequels (in this case the *third* set of sequels) and instead of creating more fantastic memorable themes and music, he creates a more atmospheric score that does not…