
Paint it Black, huh? I can respect that. They used Gimme Shelter before as well I think. Good on them for using the Stones!

I wonder what CD Projekt is going to think about all those ported assets from Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings being sold by modders as “new” armors.

“It’s the end of a working and inventive modding community.”

I watch it maybe twice every year, it’s in my top 10 favorite films ever.


Modders have all right to ask money for their projects. I think this was something everyone has always sort of had in the back of their minds as a possible outcome. It’s kind of really happening now.

Didn't they remove or increase that lately? I thought I read something like that.

That’s a different beast though seeing as this is about individual mod charges. It’s not like you have access to more mods with Nexus membership.

You know what, I totally forgot about that with Nexus. But the ease of use and almost shop-like interface of Steam Workshop will be I think quite alluring for modders looking to make some money off their work.


I wonder how this will impact The Nexus. Why would a modder put his work for free on The Nexus when people have to pay for it on Steam Workshop? Unless The Nexus will offer a similar function, a choice has to be made there.

40k might be a separate license that Sega doesn't have.

Tzeentch huh? Mkay.


Too true!

Notice how there’s at least two people always with him, the dude in the black blazer and the girl. Probably security of some sort.

Same, I have the grey TimeCrisis one for PSX.

The picture makes it seem like the phone is an extension of the gun in some weird way.

I wonder sometimes that maybe we can’t go back to *just* city’s for AC games? ACIV and Rogue as well proved that these games work outside of their city confines just as well if not more so.

I don’t think anyone here is calling Nolan “god.” The big difference is that Nolan made those movies the way they were in a time where the last Batman movie was Batman and Robin. Nolan just made what everyone including himself wanted. A more sincere grounded Batman. But the last one was 2012 I think. Begins was 05. I