
No idea, I have the PC 363D. But if you're gonna use it at a desktop set-up, why go wireless? I had a wireless headset for 5 years and honestly never made use of it's wireless fucntion. A cable running over your desk to your headset isn't the end of the world imo.

Great sound? Save yourself the trouble people and get a Sennheiser or something. I got the A50 and after 2 days I already send it back. Bass is way too present as is the case with many "gaming" headsets.

People tend to "enhance" their memories with hyperbolic versions from time to time.

Ugh, NO.

Fuck Corgi's.

Are you seriously gonna give this contrarian dickhead a front-page article? What the fuck is this!?

Oh fuck off.

1/6 Generic Alien Foot Soldier from Super Heroes: The Movie.

All these videos give me a very good ME1 vibe.

Are you serious? MGS2 was batshit insane.

I think that's a pretty big assumption to make. What dragon do you mean exactly (the trailer had multiple)? It's more likely that the dragon at the end was either one of the Old Gods awakened, Morrigan, Flemeth, or something else entirely.


Right but he addresses something that lots of fans have speculated about which DA2 really didn't deal with. It's just very exciting. Of course it's not *confirmed* but he addresses it, and that's all we need.

Seems like the main antagonist is an ancient elf awakened from Uthenera or something. Makes sense seeing as most of those elves hate mankind for what they did to them. Also "the maker doesn't exist" damn right he doesn't, I knew it! It's all a made up lie. God I talked about this stuff in forums for MONTHS, awesome to

I agree a 100% tonally it just feels completely off.

I felt more like an unbearable jackass with serious psychological issues. It was awful and I couldn't finish my Renegade playthrough.

I think he just meant non-press people.

Same, I just love being alone. It's weird to say it but that's just what it is.

Oh god that poor man.

Could not agree more with you, what a load of wank.