That comment doesn't make any sense
That comment doesn't make any sense
Take on Sauron? Really? Come OONNNNN.
That header image is such a bullshot.
Go easy on the GIF's there, jesus.
The problem with Ubisoft games is that they're more reliant on CPU instead of GPU. I have no idea why they do this, it makes the game run like garbage. The game runs fine for me, for the most part. But when I get into a car and start to drive at moderate speeds the game slows down to 5-1 FPS. It's fucking insane, ACIV…
Word, fuck this guy. Kotaku needs to stop giving this guy the spotlight.
The problem with these type of things is actually filling the giant and impressive looking land mass that you made with content. I assume they can't rip the quests and VO's from Oblivion it self so they're gonna have to re-do them like in Skywind. And that's just gonna take forever. that a Victorian London Assassin's Creed? HHHOHOHOWHAHAOOOOOOWWWW!!!! Cool!
"god" and "man" aren't written with capital letters. Even in this context. Pointing out grammar in a discussion, esspecially with such a minor case shows just how much of a dingus you are.
If you think anime cartoons from the 90s are a sin against "god and man" you need to get your priorities straightened out.
Ugh, I hate that intro. Love the animation though. Movies are fine.
What would you rather do: continue building your very own successful fantasy world or adapt an already existing one? As an artist that seems like a pretty easy choice to make to me.
Nope! Although I liked the animation it self of the CHALALALA!!! version, the "Rock the Dragon" intro is the one I always saw when DBZ started after I came back from school. And I feel like it has a bit more "oompf" then the original intro.
Yup! Sadly though even the score got changed in Kai. I think I might get this "Rock the Dragon" set seeing as it's pretty much the DBZ I watched when I was young.
God I love that song, partially because of nostalgia of course. Also because it's just awesome. Never liked the Japanese intro.
I am so over Telltale, I have no idea why though. Just don't feel the need to play their games anymore. Maybe it's because they all feel so similar. I mean they all play basically the same. I guess that even with a good story the gameplay also needs to entertain. And that just got old really quick for me.