
Cool something else entirely overrated. As if the Walking Dead Season 4 and Call of Duty Ghosts weren't enough. Now we need this poorly written over hyped trash to come back. Want a show that is written well? Watch Game of Thrones. Want a great shooter game? Grab Natural Selection 2 or wait for Killzone. Want a good

Watch Dogs had exclusive content on PS4. May not be impressive, but if you are excited for a game then you want every last minute you can get from the game.

How does anyone think this is actually cool....

That 1.5 was generated in 2 years as GTA's 1 billion was less than a week.

From what I just saw you and I have VERY different meanings of awesome. What I just saw borders between complete and utter stupidity and God awfulness.

The writing was horrible. Lines were crap, foreshadowing was AWFUL, and the scenes were so poorly played out. I hated everything that was The Walking Dead. I could literally write at least 3 pages about why I hated that game and why it shouldn't be so critically acclaimed. The show on the other hand...... is nearly

I hope this is better than TWD. It isn't very hard to beat it because TWD was horrible. For once I'd honestly like the legitimate viewpoints of someone logical on why TWD was so amazing. So I can give my arguments and we can see who wins.

All you need to know: Fables is a great comic that Telltales is about to ruin.

Sad. Telltale Games ravages yet another universe and shows us how to make millions without using any creativity. Hopefully this game will be as predictable as TWD and hopefully our choices don't matter again. Sad to see people raving over a company that has VERY limited talent and vast resources.

Alright so the choice not having a big effect is a big deal? So The Walking Dead must have gotten a lot of shit from you.

So you're falling in with those people. Technology does not dictate next gen. Timing does. Hence why PC is never included in Next Gen even though it is FAR superior to the Xbox One and PS4 before they even launch.

Cosplay never ceases to amaze me! In the sense that I am amazed that people actually find it cool.

First of all Walt was only tieing up loose ends for his family and killed them for Hank. He was NOT there to save Jesse. Vince and Aaron said this to the full effect last night in Talking Bad. They said he was there to kill them for Hank and not intentions of saving Jesse, but after seeing that Jesse was a slave

If this is the worst thing (s)he has been through then (s) he has had it pretty easy as a transgender. I myself am not transgender, gay, or in an identity crisis. It seems over the years people have really lost the concept of comedy and the VERY common shock value added in. If you put 'her' (<— that's going to piss

No fucking way..... the prequels weren't even remotely enjoyable. At least Into Darkness was somewhat enjoyable and didn't introduce an entire race of retard and didn't have a crappy love plot. The love plot was expected... it just sucked.

Kotkau writes all this weird shit about Cosplay everyday. You guys have no room to call Second Life creepy. I don't play, never have played it, and never will play it, but still.

I always expect something mildly cool when I see their cosplay articles. Instead I always get this. Stuff gayer than Elton John and worse than Miley's Twerk.

I killed hookers when I was 5 during GTA 3 and I turned out fine! Seriously though. If the kid is going to public school be happy your daughter was only called a bitch. I knew the word cunt by 2nd grade because of a friend's parents who were getting a divorce. They yelled in front of him and didn't give a shit. If you

I've got an old Arcade version and I'm having no issues. I decided during my drive to midnight release that if I get RROD I was going to jump on Newegg and buy the newest 360 and get 1 day shipping.

Isn't this like the 3rd one? Do these people actually get real estimates or do they just throw fucking numbers out?