
I'm starting to hate Rockstar. This is just pissing me off beyond belief. I have an S3 and love it. I had 2 Iphones beforehand and NEVER!!! NEVER!!!!! Had a good experience. My audio jack fucked up on both, both died the same way, and every time I go in store (After driving 40 minutes to there) they always say they

Lame names for a lame game.

That was the gayest thing I've ever seen and I've seen an orgy of men fisting each other for 5 hours. Why? Because the challenge was accepted and I ain't never scared.

I honestly don't understand how people like him. He never shuts the fuck up.

I work out in the sun all day listening to annoying little kids and drunk parents. Then at night I become the janitor at the place for minimum wage. This little bitch can cry me a river. Testing a game that hasn't come out yet in AC! OMG WORSE THAN SLAVERY.

They probably would have made more money if they utilized the season pass. It has been nearly 6 months and they have only 2 DLCs out and two actual DLCs on the way. One of which I've personally heard nothing about. A great way to sloe money is to get consumers thinking that the $30 Season Pass is a scam for sure

If this is your dream come true then you have a shitty life.

It is. Technology does not make something Next-Gen. The timing it comes out does. Next Gen... GENERATION. Generation is a time term not a tech term.

Sorry, but you don't decide that criteria. In fact the only thing that does is timing. So lets say someone rips off of the old GBA and improves the graphics a little bit. BOOM Next-Gen.

I'm still above the new consoles and I have been since last year lol. A lot wrong with it IMO, but consoles are cheaper and the only reason I even bother is because of shitty companies being dicks and either releasing God fucking awful ports or never releasing them period. For those companies I usually rent though....

Got to play both. I liked the PS4 controller more honestly, but the Xbox One controller wasn't bad. The trigger rumble is my only concern. I am grabbing a PS4 only at first because my Uncle has a possibility at getting a couple Xbox One's because he works for their marketing. They gave him a couple of the newer Xbox

mmm Dragon Quest VIII. It would cool if PS3 could you know... play PS2 games or if they put this game on the Market place, but no... Sony has to be a bunch of faggots about it.

I don't get it. Did you pick the worse ones on purpose? I'm sure there are funny ones out there. I mean... im sure they're r funy 1s out their.

This guy is great I definitely recommend watching his other videos and following him.

It wasn't for mine, but ever since I upgraded to a 7970 I haven't been able to play it at all.

Hopefully this port won't be as shitty as GTA IV's was.

FUCK! I played GTA IV I haven't killed my parents yet, but since 1 out of a couple million did (One who shouldn't be playing it) I think I'm going to have to murder them.

I don't understand the need for justification. They are opponents coming out with a next gen product in the same time frame. Taking shots at things should be expected... especially if you have the superior product.

With Obsidian in charge there is no reason to NOT be worried.

Started playing this and wow. The game is fun, but the AI is God fucking awful. I give them an order and they go the most retarded way to the area or just start running around jerking off. Not to mention they are injured and decide "HEY! Turret! let me pop my head up!"