
P.S. I do like how Kotaku reviews their games with a simple yes, no, or not yet system and then goes on to explain why, what they actually liked about the game, and what they didn't like about it. If IGN could do something like this it would be nice, but IGN has a style that doesn't fail them. Even if it fails them in

I do find it annoying when sites give a game a lowered score for difficulty. Also find it annoying that people base their entire game library based on reviews. Fuck just reach out and try it if you really want to. I make $8.25 ab hour, work out in the sun all damn day, and go to college. I buy games with low review

I'm at a cross roads here. On one hand I really don't care BUT on the other I just don't give a shit.

I sued to own Monkey Island a while ago, but if anything I'll probably end up buying it on Steam. If you liked Lost Odyssey pick it up and beat that boss because it gets a lot better after him. For him you need to have you party immune to paralyze, kill those bugs, and then hit him whenever there are only 1-2 bugs

Maybe their next email leak will explain why I care.

Want a game that helps you with kids? Play Lost Odyssey. By the creator of FF. Beautiful stories written as Dreams and there are some extremely sad moments in the story that bring me to tears. That game is amazing.

How about they take it off of consoles? There will be A FUCK TON of more bitching. Why not bitch? They always do this shit and hardcore fans like myself are tired of waiting or using a vastly inferior piece of hardware and then paying another $60 for the superior version.

Firstly I've read the comics and I'm at issue 110(Kind of got pissed off at this issue. Seemed like it was mostly just filler and Michonne's conversation.... just lol) on those so I'm not very far behind. If the game was based on the TV show's first season then maybe it would have been a little bit better. The main

No, it means I've cared about actual 3D character so when I see a character as flat as her I don't care... I mean... I don't......feel good. I never said they couldn't do puzzles I said TWD 'puzzles' were so easy a 5 year old could do them with hardly any thought process.

I don't consider something that has been done before as brilliant. At least not by them... the original people who did it were brilliant, but not the people floating on an old idea. As we see from their new game, TWD Days, and upcoming season 2 they aren't going to waste their time. Why waste money and time when you

Yeah and Lil Wayne does Rap music justice. If you honestly had trouble with ANY of the 'puzzles' in TWD you shouldn't play really any game needing thought to proceed. TWD is perfect for you! You can look passed its lack of detail, generic characters, and predictable story.

People waited for the reviews on TWD and still were convinced to buy that awful PoS.

Why would Telltales put any effort in to their games? When they are praised for garbage.

I'm sure the second season will be better, but if I give you some shit and put salt on it that would be better than the first season of TWD as well.

Innovation at its finest! CoD created a new sex! I hope we have to buy their 1 year pass shit just to get her!!!

Why showcase it? We already know it is going to be the same shit.

Why not mention the whole "Making Meth" heist?

New mask system, new skill system, new classes, new ways to do the heists, dynamic heists, many more heists to start with, crafting, safehouse, and there are more features I can't think of atm. Fun as fuck game much better than the first one.

Went ahead and grabbed this. My card was charged so we'll see....

This just shows that stupid people like to sue for stupid things. Hopefully the judge is wise enough to throw this shit out. Just another guy trying to explot the system for money.