
So the ending was pretty inaccurate. Wolverine would not be swimming that well. In fact depending on how deep that water was the predator may have caused a stalemate.

Yeah because if you made it to season 5 you can tell Walt ain't dying. I'm thinking he kills either Skyler and/or Jesse and just freaks out.

No, Skyler is a bitch. Walter turned in to an asshole but Skyler was a bitch pretty much 5 episodes deep. If you think Skyler isn't maybe you should rewatch season 3. If you want to blame someone for making her in to a bitch blame the writers. They can say it wasn't intended but the way they wrote season 3 definitely

2 questions:

Kind of crude since they don't painfully shot out of my hands and then painfully retract, but I'll take 2.

This video was really cutting...... awh fuck it.

I thought the Walking Dead: The Game was too cinematic, but when you have great cinematics, amazing music, beautiful graphics, and the combat is fun I really don't care how many cinematics you put in.

Even season 1 wasn't impacted by season 1. I played the game twice just to see and was really pissed off to find that the episodes end the same and begin the same no matter what choice you make. The only real difference you see is that they mention something like if you take the supplies from the car you get "The

This game is so amazing and one of my favorite games. The short stories are also amazing and all the ones I read are all beautifully written and just amazing.

I'll be playing good games until this comes out and then I'll continue playing those games because this game like the first one will be shitty and probably predictable.

What you said: blah blah blah

And yet they are SCIENTISTS and every scientist that watched the movie said everyone acted as fools. Your freaking out your first thought isn't "OH! Touch out!" or "Oh we had things mapping out this place! WHERE ARE WE!?" only a fucking idiot would do 95% of what happened in the movie. The whole This ship is rolling

Lets ask why the biologist would touch a living creature on a planet recently discovered, why did Shaw not kill the alien baby, how did the alien baby get so big, and why didn't the surgery program go with women? It isn't a matter of surgical tools it was a matter of making no sense. How did Fifield and Millburn get

How can you give the combat a toss-up...... yes the games are wildly different in that being The Walking Dead was trash and The Last of Us actually took time, effort, and hard work. The Walking Cliche: The Game was dull, boring, predictable, and lazily done.

Np, people went in expecting a movie that made sense. Almost everything bad that happened made no sense. When you watch the movie the first time it is alright, but when you further examine the movie and watch it a second time it is astonishing how many plotholes you find and how many situations make absolutely no

Too complex for Telltale Games. Your choices in the first one made little to no impact. There is no way they will jump from that to your idea.

I'm sure it follows the first one closely! Meaning that your choices overall don't matter and no matter who you shot the outcome of the episode and that specific event = the same. Also the protagonist's face looks..... horrible. Telltale Games showing their laziness again.

I felt the game was predictable all the way through and lazily made. If you go back Duck isn't bitten. The only way he was bitten is if the zombie like threw his jaw at him. I predicted each big thing in each episode because of their lazily done foreshadowing as well.

You know what would be GREAT for this game? Foreshadowing NOT done by a 4 year old, a story that I can't predict, choices that actually fucking matter/change the game, DETAILED levels, up-to-date graphics, and not a bunch of people riding it's dick when it sucks as bad as the first one.

Went in spoiled and was still surprised. They had a lot of changes from the book to the show for this scene.