No TV talk? There goes 90% of what they were going to talk about. Now what? Call of Duty! and Our one Exclusive Game!
No TV talk? There goes 90% of what they were going to talk about. Now what? Call of Duty! and Our one Exclusive Game!
Because cars in the 40's could definitely go 150+ MPH. You can finish the game, but you miss out and convict the wrong person. I'm sorry that this is realistic and the game doesn't sent a giant ape at you when you fail a question. Look up PTSD. The guy fought in the war, saw him men die, and then came home to see…
Too bad morons will still eat this shit up and give us another CoD next year.
Meh you can get a decent PC for about the same price as launching Xbox 360. The difference is games go on sale more often, mods, more exclusive games, free community, free online, and you can upgrade your system piece by piece overtime. I'm buying a PS4, but if a game comes out for PS4 and PC I'm getting it for PC.
Still thought it is something they are competing with and when I see this and hear them bragging I just think "CryENGINE 3 is like 5x better." If Honda came out with an SUV that only has 12 MPG and only goes a max. of 100MPH people would be like "Srsly? Liek iz u 4 r3a1zies?" and they have the right. The market still…
Ryse rises again! Will not care!
L.A. Noire and RDR were pos? You smoked WAY too much crack.
You're leaving out how PC has had this technology for like 5 years, how the face rendering is still subpar, how the real lighting... isn't, and how the graphics compared to PC still look like shit.
Then you don't know much more about Malgus than the fact that he has a cape.
Played Gunzerker my first time around... hated it. Bought the Season Pass and him for $32 on GMG and so far I'm enjoying him.
Well then.... Shitty name and no used games. PS4 here I come with a smile. I buy some games used (Especially when they have been discontinued and there are no new copies) and I pay $30 a month for Gamefly. To think that I will have to pay a fee for each rented game is ridiculous.
Cool! Look at all this shit that PC has had for 5 years!
Dumb logic? Your logic is what is killing gaming and I said 200,000 at the VERY most and it doesn't even go above 100,000. If you sell 300 million copies (Which never happens) you think 200,000 is a HUGE deal?
When you are talking about a game that sells millions of copies yes and 200,000 was at the very most. More realistically it is below 100,000
How do people keep assuming this when evidence points otherwise? Go to torrent sites and look. It tells you how many people have torrented that game. If EAs sales were less than a combined 200,000 (AT MOST) then they have more problems.
Technically they don't even need to because of budgets. You can use Cryengine 3 and they take I believe 20% of profits. It sounds like a lot, but compared to work it takes in to creating an engine it is well worth it. My plan is to use Cryengine 3 for the first couple of releases of my games and while doing this…
I'm not very impressed and my mind does not = blown. This is just Alpha, but the game looks outdated in sense of graphics especially. The combat does not impress me, the map does not impress me, and the only thing in this article that mind blows me is your mind being blown by this.
If you thought that was more beautiful than the modern Elder Scrolls games you need to see an optometrist.
It is really funny how much EA's employees talk out of their ass. When you look at the top selling games for Wii you see a good number of Third Party games and of course a ton of games that aren't just Zelda or Mario games. He must not be that great of an engineer because look at Origin. Even my 12 year old cousin…
I'm going to assume you are snagging The Walking Dead because you have all these other games, beat them, and are dying of bordeom. OR you are new to videogames and need a gutter whore to run through.