
I've been discovering CE3 lately and it is pretty impressive to say the least. I wish I would have gotten in to it earlier.... but now that I think of it the computer I used last year would have exploded. My current GPU can hardly handle it. Which is why I'm thinking about Crossfiring 7970's

With ALL the DLC! Soooooo... 2 actual DLCs and then 1 joke?

I can sum this up for you quickly and if you wish to go in to more detail you can:

I saw Dany doing that from a mile away, but seeing my 3 episode prediction was still amazing and I loved the ending of the episode. I feel like as this season goes on the episodes just continue to get better.

Hey hey hey hey hey hey woah woah woah woah.... don't tread on me. I'm finding the Gun Control talks funny now and it seems like people opposed to it are educating themselves to point. No one brings up Chicago anymore... although that isn't to say people still think it is an example of failed control... even though it

Also I find his analogy offense and demand a time refund. First of all WTF is a Muslem? Second of all he didn't capitalize Allah! Third of all he is pressing X!!!!! This is PC not Xbox you piece of shit! I curse you and your family for no less than 1,000 years for this time wasting blasphemy UNLESS you refund my time,

They gave him a refund? Really? REALLY? Did anyone get a link to his account? Because I honestly doubt this stopped him. My guess is he beat the game and doesn't want to replay it again so he complained and got a refund.

This was done with Jamie Vs. Ned Stark

I'm not saying the endings weren't bad either. I'm just saying they were more complex than just colors. I'm always going to play ME and the endings wouldn't change that I'm working my way through the trilogy again except this time on PC. The only thing that could kill me from Bioware is Dragon age 3 being as bad as

I'm not sure if you are talking to me or him, but I've finished both multiple times. While the endings are nothing amazing they aren't terrible enough to make me regret the hundreds of hours I've invested in to the story of Commander Shepard.

Btw I constructed the last part thinking you said it was only about a minute. So that math at the end is based on that. Really I should have asked what the other 24+ minutes were.

It's weird how I go to Youtube and find all 3 of the endings in 35+ minutes videos. Since the endings are you know... 3 minute long I wonder what they other 32+ minutes are.

Uhhh if you are saying the ending was just a color you are sorely mistake and your bias as swayed your opinion in to blindness. I distinctly remember about 10 minutes of cinematic cutscenes after my ending choice.

I'll go ahead and point out why this is wrong. First of all this is clearly biased towards someone who did not like the ending because the actual ending was more than 3 colors. The color choice was also not the climax of the story.

My FemShep was probably unlikable because she was a....... complete bitch.

Idk i've personally played both multiple times, but I still like my MaleShep because he is OGShep for me.

Really? I've played the entire series on my Xbox 360 first, my PS3 second, and then my PC. I've played this game all the way through with a Vanguard, infiltrator, and an adept so far. Get on my level.

Why do so many people go with Femshep? I went with both, but my main is Maleshep The Infiltrator:

I honestly doubt 1313 would have come out either way.

Pretty sure he didn't have this part of his jaw.