
Can I prove it to you? How about I give you the definition of art first:

If he cared about art so much why would he give that God awful trash of a movie Avatar such a high review? I get that people have different opinions, but you can not defend the story of that movie or honestly state that it wasn't all flash and no substance.

Yeah and the new Sonic car ad says the car isn't a skateboard. Let that sink in for a moment.

I don't see how hard the concept of of the U truly is. They have told us what it want at E3 I guess reading and this new tech called "Googling" is just too hard. So let me spit it out... since no one has gotten a handle on Googling just quiet yet.

And then they find out just how much the Wii U blows PS3 and Xbox 360 out of the water.

Your expectations could have been "Woah! This game looks like trash!" and you would still be disappointed. The expectations shouldn't come in to battle with the result game or discredit the shit the game was. This game is trash, buggy as fuck, easy, and not Aliens.

I'm starting to fully understand that any voice work from an Asian sucks. I've seen a handful of movies, tv shows, and listened to some music from them and I always feel ruined by the voices. DBZ for Japan was alright with the cursing and more blood, but my god Goku sounded like an elderly woman and they kept making

It isn't because of pirates. It is because of the fools who allow it to happen. Pirating contributes to a small percent of sales probably lower than 10%. So by blaming Pirates you are falling for exactly what the companies want. Which is to oppress the consumer. If you think the strict DRMs stop Pirates you are wrong.

And failing.

You're blaming a small minority of like 10,000-30,000 sales. You are willing to let them throw the vast majority under the bus for a percent of sales and that is sad. This will not stop pirates and instead of throwing everyone under the bus they should find a way to reward legitimate buyers instead of fucking them.

So as we see SimCity is a normal EA launch.

Lets see... "Blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. " The Universe is always expanding.

"It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,

Yes... the fairy tales that first claimed the world was round, described dinosaurs, is consistent with astronomy, meteorology, biology, describes hydrothermal vents, and has had every prophecy predicted come true. HUGE FAIRY TALE THOUGH.

Why exactly should we criticize it more? Generalizing that every religious person is as crazy as the people the media shows should be more criticized.

So selling over million of one thing automatically makes it not stupid? Lil Wayne has sold over a million albums that doesn't mean it isn't complete and total **** (It is ) it means people are stupid. Success doesn't equal Quality.